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Course Overview

The EPQ is worth the equivalent of half an A Level. It provides an opportunity for students to stand out to universities and employers by demonstrating their abilities to work independently, manage their time, conduct unique research, and produce a high-quality essay. The EPQ is very highly valued by universities. 

Students are supported by a supervisor to research and write a 5,000 word essay on a topic entirely of their choice. This is often closely linked to their chosen degree course or career. 


Key Info

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • The EPQ is completed during year 13. Students will be given more information about the course in the summer term of year 12 after which they can then apply to take the course. 
  • Students will be accepted onto the course if they have shown good progress during year 12 in their A-Level choices.


  • The EPQ is assessed using three main sources of evidence:-
  • The extended essay
  • The production log which details their EPQ journey
  • A short presentation to staff and students at the end of the course.
  • Exam Board: AQA


Subject Lead

Miss D Fowler

Why Choose this Course?

Taking the EPQ gives students the opportunity to build numerous skills which are vital for higher education while completing a project on a topic they love. They can develop a level of expertise in their chosen field, demonstrating a level of academic curiosity and enthusiasm.

Skills You Gain

Students are taught numerous skills in the course, including higher level planning, research, evaluation, and essay writing skills. These skills will not only help them with their project but are essential in the transition to higher education.

After Northgate

The Extended Project is awarded a grade from A* to E. As the project is well underway by the time students make their UCAS application, students can use it as an important part of their personal statement, and then as a focus for discussion at possible interviews.

The course is highly valued by universities; “The University recognises the benefits of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and the opportunities it provides. Admissions tutors may wish to make an alternative offer to applicants, one of which involves successful completion of the EPQ (eg AAA at A-level or AAB plus the Extended Project at Grade A).”

– The University of Manchester

Contact Us

Northgate Sixth Form,
Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, IP4 3DL

Tel: 01473 210 123